Good Neighbors
August 19, 2016

Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors kicks off!

As a part of Old Town and the Letter Streets Neighborhood, we believe it is important to be good neighbors.  For the last few years, we’ve done this through trash pickup around our four buildings, as well as in nearby lots. We decided to expand this idea by bringing together a team of Mission guests, staff, and volunteers to do a walkabout of our neighborhood to clean up and beautify the community we’re part of.

This is also an opportunity for Mission guests to give back, something many of them are desiring to do. For volunteers, it’s a great opportunity to work alongside our guests and become a part of their story.  The picture on the left shows the first group getting ready to head out into the neighborhood!

If you’re interested in volunteering for Good Neighbors, sign up for a volunteer orientation.


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As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love