A staff member prays with a Lighthouse Mission guest.
October 09, 2020

Sharing the Gospel

Jesus is at the center of everything happening here at Lighthouse Mission Ministries. Read these stories and highlights to see some of the ways the gospel is being shared with neighbors because of the support of our generous community.


The Basis of Everything

Our staff first and foremost live as examples of hope, faith, and love. We build relationships of acceptance and encouragement always proclaiming Christ’s love as the reason why we are here. Ready with a word of encouragement, always available to pray and listen or hold a hand. We always point to the cross in action, truth, restoration, comfort, and by never giving up on the lives entrusted to us by God!

It Starts with Building a Relationship

At Agape Home, the gospel is central. First, we pursue each guest to build a relationship with them as Christ does with each one of us. We strive to be examples that inspire guests to know more of Him who we serve! We offer prayer at any opportunity. We read or share scripture when appropriate. We have a weekly devotion time as part of our house meeting. We offer weekly classes where guests can ask questions about God, dig deeper into the Bible, and grow in their faith. All staff lift our guests in prayer often.

Thank you for supporting this gospel-centered work and helping neighbors come closer to God!

Lighthouse Mission is a godsend to hundreds of people myself included. I came to them from DVSAS after suffering abuse and being stalked by my abuser. I don’t know where I would be without them… Well ya I do, honestly I would be dead. I am not the same person that walked in their doors. Nowhere near. I am stronger mentally and have a closer walk with God. Thank you!!!   – A past guest of our Agape Home

Changed for Eternity

For those of us on staff, our work in the Ascent Program is really an act of obedience. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus talks about how we will be judged when he returns. He tells us, “When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat; when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you invited me in; naked, and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me…Truly I say to you, the extent that you did this to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”

Jesus talks about this as being the very thing He will judge us on, so when we serve the men in the Ascent Program, we are simply doing the work Jesus has called us all to do in these verses. We are trying to walk like Jesus and be doers of His Word.

The men in the Ascent program get to experience the Holy Spirit on a level that some people don’t get to. They come to us broken, with nowhere else to turn and they get to be healed by the power of the Spirit.

Some are hearing the Gospel for the first time and learning how to live a Christ-centered life. Others are finding their way back home. In either case, these men come spiritually broken, some would even say dead, and are resurrected by the Spirit in a way that completely changes them for all of eternity.

It is truly an amazing thing to see and to be a part of! The Gospel is central in this process as its message of hope and transformation is what we use as our guide to help these men have this life altering experience.

Seeing the Evidence

A group of staff members praying together.

Prayer Answered! Base Camp staff pray together every morning, and often invite guests to join us. Today we asked a few guests from our clean up crew to join and they said yes! The two men asked for prayer for work and asked if their names could be written down for day labor in case anyone called. “We don’t want to be here for the rest of our lives,” one of them said. Less than an hour later, a community member called and asked for two people to do some work for them tomorrow! The men were so surprised, their eyes wide, they could not believe their prayer had been answered!

Learn more about what is behind our motivation to serve.


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love