Your Partnership

Letters from the Director
Lighthouse Mission Ministries

I’m a man with a glad heart because you’ve taken up Christ’s mantle to love the “least of these.” Your faith in action has illuminated the streets and back alleys of our community. Hope is shining forth at the Mission.

You have fed the hungry, quenched thirst, cared for the sick, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked, visited prisoners, and helped set the oppressed free. Thank you.

Now we approach Easter, where sin was atoned for and death was beaten. Men, women, and children at the Mission understand Easter because they are living it here and now.

Because of your help, shame lifts off their shoulders as they hear the Good News of forgiveness of sins. Their bodies heal as they receive nourishment and rest. The anxiety of the streets is replaced by trust and faith in Christ.

The truth of the Spirit is bringing reality to distorted minds. Conversion is bringing a true sense of identity and meaning. People in all their complexities are finding wholeness and healing and you’re helping make that possible.

These are Easter people. You are Easter people for journeying with them. I am so thankful for your partnership as we journey together in this Jesus work. The need continues. The urgency remains. By grace we press on.

For Christ’s Kingdom,

Lighthouse Mission Ministries

Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
Volunteer at The Lighthouse Mission

Here’s to volunteers.

Interested in volunteering? Attend a volunteer orientation and find out if the Mission is a good fit for you.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love