A black man sits on the sidewalk against the side of a building. A human in need of Christ's love and restoration.

Sources of Sadness

When considering homelessness, it’s important to understand that everyone is valuable in the eyes of God. He sees through the material conditions, or lack thereof, and knows us all, one by one. But society, on the other hand, dismisses our homeless as a worthless. It’s a truly sad reality. But we at Lighthouse Mission Ministries see what God sees in everyone, and we work diligently every single day, because of your valuable donations, to impact others for Christ. But it’s a sad reality that people don’t see what God sees in them…

Employees of Lighthouse Mission Talking about the Homeless

“The saddest thing to me is folks, especially women, young and old, not knowing how valuable they are to God; that He created them on purpose and thinking they are throw-aways.”

– Nikki, Agape Home Case Manager

“What saddens me the most is the hopelessness that our guests experience. It’s the hopelessness that plagues the lives of people that do not know Jesus Christ. There is hope that only He alone can give to any human being. It is a very sad thing that even those who have known Jesus Christ have not given the living Word a chance to provide and give that same hope that is in Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God.”

– Rafael, Crisis Services Associate

“Being at Base Camp each day is a wonderful gift, but is simply a sad, sad thing when you look around no matter what. There are many people who are unable to care for themselves or don’t know how. But what truly saddens me the most is engaging with people who have no hope, no value for themselves, and truly want their life to end.”

– Tailer, Crisis Services Associate

“It’s really sad when I hear of guests who have cancer or other serious illnesses.  I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have permanent housing and go through a disease or serious illness. You can go to the hospital, but there comes a point when you have to leave.  I’m thankful that the Mission is here for all people going through medical treatments and living with chronic issues.  It’s something you don’t think about, but having shelter and the support of others when you’re physically suffering means so much.”

– Rachel, Director of Annual Giving

Act Now to Intervene on Their Behalf

Real hope can only come from the love of Christ to these hopeless situations. And through your recurring donations via our online giving portal, we will be empowered to continue this valuable ministry in the world today. Join with us and make a difference.

Did you know that Lighthouse Mission Ministries has been a critical lifeline in Washington since 1923? We support well over 300 hundred beds every single day – and the need is only continuing to rise. That’s over 100 years of service to the Bellingham community as an active 501c3 non-profit. And we aren’t going anywhere, as long as we continue to get partners like you who are willing to support our ministry and mission. Shawn is living a better life because of donors who have gone before you. Join us in this campaign against homelessness, and hopelessness today.


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
Volunteer at The Lighthouse Mission

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OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love