God Blessed Me with the Lighthouse Mission: A Poem

The Lighthouse Mission is the place that gave me back my life

I started coming here after becoming homeless and a divorce from my wife

I was with my wife for twenty-six years

And now I was lost, alone, and shedding so many tears

I was doing lots of drugs and had nowhere to go

My life had finally hit that all time low

Each new day that went by I knew there was hope

I was getting closer to God and no longer using dope

I went to different classes two times a day

Where we learned about God and did group praise

They taught me how to love they taught me how to live

They taught me not to take and showed me how to give

They taught me to be responsible they taught me how to respect

My life is so much better now and it’s starting to reflect

There’s no way I could have done this all on my own

They supplied me with food, with fellowship, even with clothes

I really think it’s a blessing that I came to this place

I’m a different person now you can see in my demeanor in my face

With God in my life I no longer fear

And without the Mission showing me this I’d probably no longer be here

I recommend the Lighthouse Mission to anyone who is hurting and lost

They will help you get your life back free of cost


Jeff, Member of the Mission’s Ascent Program


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OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love