Neil was a resident of Lighthouse Mission and has seen his life turned around by God.

You Built Up Neil’s Faith

Here at Lighthouse Mission Ministries we love seeing God work. If only you could see just how many lives we have seen changed each and every day. We cannot tell you all the stories, but we can tell you Neil’s story. It’s a story of drug addiction, fear, and desperation. But it’s also a story about how God can use those blessed by God to intervene on behalf of those who don’t even know Him. You see, God is calling all of us to Him… every single day. And he wants to partner with you to make more of these stories happen throughout the Whatcom County, and Bellingham city. Let’s hear from Neil about how his life as changed.

Your Support Guided Neil to God

Neil exclaims “Thank you, Jesus!” Neil moved from Trinidad to Washington, D.C. with his mom when he was young. In the 70s, drugs flooded the D.C. area and he was caught up in it. Throughout his life, Neil searched for the truth. “I always knew there was a God and I searched in a lot of different places,” he said. “I practiced Islam for about 27 years.”

He needed to leave D.C. and chose to go to Florida. It was there that Neil arrived at rock bottom. “I had just finished spending all my money on crack. I dropped down on my knees and I said, ‘Jesus, if you’re real, help me.’ I didn’t feel anything… Nothing happened as far as I knew.”

Neil Cried Out to Christ to Help Him

But a few days later, he had saved some money, which was surprising. Typically, he couldn’t hold on to money. Neil explains, “If I had $10, five was going to be on crack and the other five I’m going to try figure out how [to take care of my] three kids.” He soon realized he hadn’t been looking for crack at all. The desire was gone: Something had happened. Neil even started wanting to go to church! In time, though, he fell away from following Jesus.

Later, the love of his life left him and moved to Bellingham, because their grown son was living at the Mission’s Drop-In Center. Neil followed her. “I appreciate Bellingham because of the Lighthouse Mission… I have my own place.”

He stayed at the Drop-In Center to be near both of them and soon was invited in to the men’s recovery program. Neil dove right into the classes and community. Neil didn’t think he needed help emotionally, but the program helped him see otherwise. “I realized that I had some hidden issues and all that came to light. I stayed in that program for one year… People put on a big persona, like they don’t need nobody, but we are all broken people,” said Neil.

Neil Driving a van of Lighthouse Mission individuals. His lift was changed by your monthly recurring gifts.
Neil drove guests to the church of their choice before the pandemic began. He can’t wait to get back to it!

Generous Donations Supported Neil and Changed His Life

The Mission supported Neil and his loved one while she was going through serious health issues. Neil shares that the Mission increased his faith and his trust in God. “The Mission helped me to see God in action [and] be a part of what God is doing.”

Neil began serving the Lord by driving Mission guests to the church of their choice in the Mission van. He also drives men to Band of Brothers meetings, volunteering several times a week to do that! “I want other people to experience what happened to me,” Neil shared.

Through God's love, Lighthouse Volunteers, and your monthly recurring online giving Neil found God.

Watch the video of Neil’s story here.

“If it wasn’t for the Lighthouse Mission, I would have been in the dire straits in Bellingham. If I was just to have one person to say thank you, I’ll say thank you Jesus,” he said. “It’s all about Jesus.” Today, Neil is flourishing in his own place and his son lives with him. Thank you for helping Neil and his family.

Today Neil is flourishing in his own place and his son lives with him. Thank you for helping Neil and his family!

Did you know that Lighthouse Mission Ministries has been a critical lifeline in Washington since 1923? We support well over 300 hundred beds every single day – and the need is only continuing to rise. That’s over 100 years of service to the Bellingham community as an active 501c3 non-profit. And we aren’t going anywhere, as long as we continue to get partners like you who are willing to support our ministry and mission. Shawn is living a better life because of donors who have gone before you. Join us in this campaign against homelessness, and hopelessness today.


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As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
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