Meet a family positively impacted by your business donations and interventions on their behalf.

Lacey’s Journey to Healing, thanks to you!

Mary, a Lighthouse Mission staff member, was heading home when she saw a visibly pregnant young woman sleeping on the ground, just outside our front door.

“Hey, are you okay?” Mary asked, gently shaking the woman awake.

The woman stirred. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. But Mary could tell otherwise. The streets are no place for a pregnant woman, she thought.

“Do you want to come inside?” Mary asked. After some prodding, the woman accepted, and Mary helped her inside Agape Home.

Lacey’s Journey to Our Doorstep

Just months prior, Lacey fled to get away from an abusive boyfriend.

After a while, Lacey ended up in Bellingham, on the streets, struggling with substance abuse, with little to no time before her delivery date. She was nine months pregnant!

The Hope, Love, and Care You Offer

After entering Agape Home, Lacey pretty much slept for three days straight. A warm shower, clean clothes, a visit to a doctor, and some hot food made all the difference. Three weeks later, she delivered a healthy baby boy.

Through your generous giving, Lacey and her son were able to stay at Agape Home. After some time in recovery from substance abuse, they moved into transitional housing with after-care that your support also helped provide.

Lacey’s “Best Moment”—That You Helped Make Possible

In late October 2021, Lacey moved into her own apartment. Thanks to the Mission and other community partners, she got her driver’s license and was gifted a used car. She started a job too. And even though she’s a busy mom, she still finds time to minister to others.

“I give God the glory for this wonderful transformation in my life,” Lacey said recently. “Thank you to all who helped make this possible!”

Lighthouse Mission Ministries has been helping people who are homeless since 1923. It cares for hundreds of people each and every day by providing a continuum of services aimed at ending homelessness through street outreach, enhanced shelters, addiction recovery, spiritual support, and aftercare. Contact us today if your business wants to provide support for our efforts within the city of Bellingham, call (360) 733-5120.


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
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OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love