In Loving Memory of Frank

The care you offer makes a difference!

Earlier this year, Frank, a Base Camp guest, had a medical emergency where he lost consciousness. Staff responded immediately and performed CPR until medical professionals arrived. Tragically, Frank passed away. When the EMT staff asked for his emergency contacts, the reply that came was grim, “There are no emergency contacts.”

Frank had no one to list in case of an emergency. No spouse. No kids. No relatives.

You help create family for those who have none.

When you give, you create loved ones for those who have none. Thanks to your generous support of the Mission, the staff, volunteers, and guests at Base Camp were Frank’s friends—and his community. His life mattered, and the staff cared deeply for him.

It was a devastating loss. We were saddened and also honored to be the ones to remember Frank. The mission you make possible at Lighthouse is holy, urgent, life-changing work to love our homeless neighbors as Jesus loves them.

In loving memory of Frank - a loved guest of Lighthouse who had a family because of your generous donations and support. We held a memorial service on behalf of Frank and we were glad that although he did not have a family, we could be his family.

As we launch the new building project, we think of Frank and so many others in our community who have no one to count on and nowhere else to turn. This project is for them. As a friend of the Mission, we know this is important to you and prayerfully ask that you will support this project.

Want a chance to support us as we help rebuild lives, make a difference in person after person, as well as support us as we build our new home for many valuable people just like Frank? What God does every single day within the mission is nothing short of a miracle. Join us and make a company donation, a family gift, or sign up for a recurring donation… just join us in this fight against homelessness and poverty. Contact us today at: (360) 733-5120.


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
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  • Resource referrals
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OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love