Q13 reports on Lighthouse Mission's impact during severe cold. Help now to save lives.
December 10, 2019

Emergency shelters open as cold, windy weather hits Whatcom Co.

Q13, the local Whatom County Fox News affiliate covered how dangerous the cold can be for folks on the street in Bellingham with a visit to Lighthouse Mission.

As the weather turns extremely hot, or desperately cold, the homeless of Whatcom county become endangered. Especially when the temperatures drop into the 20’s, it takes an entire community to keep those that are trapped outside safe. We are thankful for Q13’s coverage of our work in the city as we partner with volunteers and critical donors like yourself, to intervene.

Each holiday, as the temperatures drop, and the emergency shelters are activated we expect upwards of over 300 people receiving a helping hand. These are real people with real needs and are desiring safety and warmth.

Without Your Help – People Can Die

“People can die in cold weather, regardless of whether there is snow, regardless of whether the temperature is at 30 degrees or slightly higher than that,” Reeves said. As weather alerts throughout the state go off, we know that the winds can gust as the temperatures drop.

Wind warning alerts started going out early, with gusts expected up to 60 miles per hour. Bellingham Mayor Kelli Linville said police and fire officials are ready for any weather-related damage. But when people pull together, from volunteers, donors, and hands on the ground, we know that God will work and save lives.

A Welfare Organization Distributes Your Contributions

Read the full Q13 story and watch the news video here to see how your support of our organization is helping in real times of need.

We are thankful for news organizations that have partnered to get the word out. But Lighthouse Mission Ministries is even more reliant on individuals who donate to local charity organizations, like yourself. We are a well-respected non-profit that has provided critical care to those in need within the Bellingham area since 1923. That’s over 100 years helping individuals get out of the cold, and the heat, and are saving lives daily… lives trapped in alcoholism and despair.


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love