I’m not alone I see it every day. In July of 2021, PJ Smith walked through the doors of Base Camp. She was struggling with financial stress after a car…
I’m not alone I see it every day. In July of 2021, PJ Smith walked through the doors of Base Camp. She was struggling with financial stress after a car…
Toxic charity vs. Smart charity. As believers in Christ, it is one of our God-given responsibilities to care for the poor. Over 2,000 verses in the Bible illustrate this. But,…
Lexi grew up in foster care, bouncing from home to home. But once she turned 18, she was kicked out and became homeless. That’s when she hit rock bottom. Lexi’s…
I was blind, but now I see – a story of hope in the life of one Lighthouse Mission guest and friend. He is thankful that he can now see!
In loving memory of Frank – a loved guest of Lighthouse who had a family because of your generous donations and support.
“I had nowhere to go,” said Shari. “Everything was chaos.”
That was March 2020, right when COVID began. Shari had been living with a family friend here in Bellingham when her friend passed away unexpectedly. With little to no time to find another place to live, Shari was facing homelessness.
A new building that will more than replace Base Camp, as well as provide enhanced, specialized care to families, the elderly, and those who require medical or mental health support.
At Lighthouse Mission, we know you want to do more to ease the rising homelessness crisis and transform lives in Whatcom county.
Agape Home hosted their first conference and rolled out the red carpet! Giving our guests the royal treatment, with delicious food, fellowship and encouragement.
The theme was “Daughters of the King” and the ladies were blessed by multiple guest speakers who declared powerful testimonies, led interactive activities, and shared God’s heart.