Your gifts and your money is going to support the needy and the homeless of the Bellingham area.

Agape Home Conference

Agape Home hosted their first conference and rolled out the red carpet! Giving our guests the royal treatment, with delicious food, fellowship and encouragement. The theme was “Daughters of the King” and the ladies were blessed by multiple guest speakers who declared powerful testimonies, led interactive activities, and shared God’s heart.

Some graduates of Agape came back for the conference, and the ladies loved seeing other people who had found healing here at Agape.

Throughout the day, different speakers spoke on the “12 Steps” of recovery and how they line up with and complement the Bible. People spoke about how, no matter what you’ve been through, there is always hope. In addition, a Q&A session with a married couple gave insight into what healthy relationships look like.

“Daughters of the King” shared hope and love to current and former guests.

A lot of these ladies grew up with romantic relationships not being healthy, so I think for them to see that was really good.” She also said, “It was really beautiful! It brought the ladies a lot of hope.”
Here are a few guests’ reactions from the conference:

– Agape Home Case Manager
  • “Felt loved”
  • “Not alone”
  • “Cool… it was based on 12 steps and how Jesus was brought into it”
  • “I connected with Jodi and her story” 
  • “Was a Blessing”
  • “Food was delicious” 
  • “I liked the questions & answers with the couple”
  • “Gave me hope in a relationship someday” 

Overall, our Agape guests were very attuned to the speakers. There were many tears and moments of sweet reflection. 

A guest wrote a beautiful poem at the Agape conference:


Believe that God loves me

Believe in God’s time your pain will be freed

Believe God heals the broken hearts deep within

Believe that you are weak however God is your strength

Believe Jesus carried the cross on his shoulders so that you can start over

Believe we are already forgiven and believe in God‘s grace

Believe you are safe because Jesus lives

Believe you are a child of God and one day you’ll be welcomed home

Believe that God is your father, friend, and the love of your life, and rejoice knowing in sorrow you’ll grow closer to him for you are a daughter of the King.

A huge thank you to the guest speakers and staff members who worked so hard to put it on. And we are so grateful for YOU – your support is what allows us to encourage our guests in this way! Thank you!

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OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love