
Volunteer to Help With Thanksgiving Dinner

Volunteer to Help With Thanksgiving Dinner. Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Thanksgiving meal at Lighthouse Mission Ministries! Throughout the year we work hard to make local families and individuals aware of God’s love for them. To share the love that we have been given, and to minister to their deepfelt needs. To volunteer to help in anyway, especially our yearly Thanksgiving Dinner, is a true blessing from God.

Volunteers Are Desperately Needed Today

The meal is at noon on November 24. If you are hungry or needing community on Thanksgiving Day, please join us at the Church of the Assumption Gym at 12:00 pm!

Here is how to sign up to help on Thanksgiving Day:

Please visit our volunteer page in order to learn more about the various needs throughout the mission all year round. Contact us or reach out to let us know you are interested in getting involved. We would be honored to partner with you as we work together to eradicate homelessness and hopelessness in the city of Bellingham.

Thank you for bringing a special Thanksgiving meal to members of the community who need it!

P.S. Can’t help on Thanksgiving Day, but want to support by giving meals? Click here to donate and write “Thanksgiving” in the comment line!

Lighthouse Mission Ministries has been helping people who are homeless since 1923. It cares for up to 310 people each day and provides a continuum of services aimed at ending homelessness through street outreach, enhanced shelters, addiction recovery, spiritual support, and aftercare. To make a donation or volunteer, call (360) 733-5120, or visit


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love