June 03, 2019

Hungry for Hope

Did you know that, on average, 1.72 more people have been coming to stay at the Mission each month?

That’s two people who, without your help, won’t get three square meals a day, a bed at night, or to be known by name.

Two more souls hungry for hope.

Your gift of $35 will provide a day of meals, shelter, and hope for those two people.

Everyone who comes to the Mission is someone’s son or daughter, father or mother. All have distinct reasons for ending up without a home. And each is valuable and worthy of Jesus’ time.

Who did Jesus seek out? Who did He spend time with?

He went to people like those who come to the Mission (who aren’t much different than you or I). They sometimes find it hard to trust. They are survivors who have lived through trauma and crises. But with your help, we can meet their needs, love them where they’re at, and help them reach their goals!

Will you step in the gap this summer and help the additional men, women, and children who will come to the Mission? With numbers increasing steadily, your help is greatly needed now.

As a friend of the Mission, you know how important it is to help people off the streets. You know that a meal and a safe night of shelter are just what someone needs.

We can’t do this without you. So I’m reaching out to ask: Will you prayerfully make a commitment to help these two people throughout the summer?

Just $35 will provide a day of meals, shelter, and hope for the two additional people struggling with homelessness who will show up at our door this month.

Whether you can give a small gift each month this summer or a larger one right away, your donation will help the hungry, the homeless, and the hopeless. Any amount will bring hope. Please help as many people as you can today!


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love