January 31, 2019

King 5 News Video: New mobile showers for the homeless hit the streets of Bellingham

King 5 News video: New mobile showers for the homeless hit the streets of Bellingham

Shower Connect, Lighthouse Mission Ministries’ newest outreach, is now up and running! Shower Connect provides free hot showers to people who are homeless.

Check out the King 5 News article here or by clicking the video above.

Showers are an essential part of hygiene, health and human dignity. Sometimes, people who are homeless have to go without showering. With your help, the Lighthouse Mission is helping change that in Bellingham.

Lighthouse Mission is currently seeking partnerships with other local businesses and churches who can host the Shower Connect trailer.

Your donations are helping Shower Connect happen. Because of you, people experiencing homelessness in our community can have access to hot showers. Thank you for supporting the Lighthouse Mission!


Your support is vital!

As a Christian gospel ministry, LMM is completely supported by our generous local community.
OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love