Impact Future Generations

There are many ways that you can engage with Lighthouse Mission Ministries – most know about how to donate, or volunteer, but are you aware that you can include Lighthouse Mission in your will?

Give a Gift Through Your Will

Designating a bequest to Lighthouse Mission through a will or trust is one of the easiest ways to extend your impact beyond your lifetime. Your donation via your will will make a significant different in the lives of hundreds of people daily as we work to alleviate homelessness in the Washington area. This giving option provides amazing flexibility because your will or trust can be modified at any time.

Giving beyond your own lifetime means your generosity will continue to touch the lives of hurting people who are in desperate need to know the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Your gift will guarantee that homeless people and those on the ropes of life will get the love that they need in their worst moments. It will mean a chance to escape the bonds of poverty and homelessness.

Find Out More About Planned Gifts

Would you like more information? We’d love for you to let us know. With a planned gift, you’ll leave an impact on future generations. You might be able to make a larger charitable gift than you ever thought possible.

Contact Rachel: (360) 733-5120 ext. 104 or email to:

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

– Jesus, Acts 20:35

Just consider the fact that your living will donation could have the impact of supporting over 300 people per day. Lighthouse has been an integral part of Bellingham since 1923 and we aren’t going anywhere. We provide essential services like street outreach, shelters, addiction recovery, and spiritual support every single day.

OUR MISSION : Healing homelessness with Christ's power and love